分 子 量 : 2312.4 g/mol |
純 度 :Purity > 95% by HPLC
形 態 :Each vial contains 1 mg of lyophilized solid packaged under an inert gas and supplied as a trifluoroacetate salt.
溶 解: Distilled water for a solution up to 5 mg/ml, otherwise we recommend using acetonitrile. |
保存條件 :Store at -20°C. The product is hygroscopic and must be protected from light. Product is guaranteed one year from the date of shipment. Following reconstitution, aliquot and store at -20°C. |
別 名 :TP508 peptide; Thrombin peptide; Prothrombin; Coagulation factor II; F2 |
產品描述 :TP508 |
產品鏈接 :https://www.abbiotec.com/peptides/tp508-peptide